Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dreams, Drawings and Storytelling

"Draw what you dream; dream what you draw" (Kit's Wilderness, p. 103).

Retell what is happening in the story when these words are spoken.
What do you think this statement means? Explain.
Do you think it is true? Explain.


  1. When kit is talking to askew about his new story and the fact that he wants askew to draw pictures for him , but askew refuses to and tell's kit to draw what you dream and dream what you draw , so he means that kit should be able to draw his own dreams because he has a better view of his own dream so he should be able to draw it unlike askew where hes guessing

  2. Askew and Kit are talking about how silky comes to both of them in there dreams. This statement means whatever you has to come true somehow like in a picture. Yes because everything you dream has a meaning that will come true even if its not totally the same thing.

  3. Well, it's another pointless meeting with Aksew and Kit Watson. They're continuing about being EMO and all that stuff. So, then Kit continues to try and pursuade Askew to work harder with his life. Yep. And then Askew thinks "Wow this kid is stupid." Well, not really, but he doesn't care, and then he decides to leave stoneygate. Yepperz.

    Do I agree? Askew is making himself look like a wise guy when he really isn't, even though he does have a point. What he means, at least in my perspective, is that when you draw what is in your mind, you draw it, and later on, you may dream about what you draw as if the character is real or if you have an attachment to it. Yes, I did look really weird, but I'm a weird person. End of story.

  4. -- Right now Kit is talking about art to someone, i forget whom.
    but they were talking about how what you dream you draw it and waht you draw is what you dream.

    -- It means that when your drawing your picture its like YOU HAD AN IMAGE of it in your head already??

    and now over tiem you start to draw what your next dream will be ? :)

    -- I do not think it is true.
    i think it's just a way to let people express there minds better

  5. I think that he said "Draw what you dream; dream what you draw" because he means draw from the heart and draw what you think is important. And if you mean what you draw thats what makes you a good writer.

    When these words are spoken John Askew and Kit Watson are in the wilderness alone with the children in the background right after they get caught in the den a Askew get expelled. They are having a conversation about Kit writing his stories and how John could make pictures for it. But Askew just grunts and says "Draw what you dream; dream what you draw".

  6. I think this werid statement means that artists dream in any way then draw up what in a picture what they dreamed. Artists can draw a picture and then dream about it but it sounds strange.

    I think this is not true but pure weirdness. Well this might me but I don't no.

    This was made by Thomas Gray.

  7. In this part of the book kit watson and john askew are having a conversation.I think they they are by the river but i'm not to sure.They are talking about things like stories and dreaming.

    I really don't thnk that this stament is true but i do think it is some what becuase, when i think about something long enough i do tend to sometimes dream about it ..

  8. I dont really no what to wright cause iam confuse but ill still try (:
    sooo !
    i think that when he means 'draw what you dream an dream what you draw ' that he should be able to draw his own dreams,Beacause he has a better view of life from when he his dreaming cause when he wakes up his lifes all messed up an he likes to think that everythings all good

  9. I dont draw much but i do think this statment is true becuse we draw what we are felling and what we want to happen or is going to happen and vise verca. And what i draw i sometime dream aboutwhat i draw or want to happen.

  10. When kit is talking to askew about his new story and the fact that he wants askew to draw pictures for him. Askew wont draw a picture, and says to draw what you dream and dream what you draw which means that kit is able to draw what he dreams because he has a better view of it

    thats all i remember.

