Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Opinion/Argument Blog

Your Task for this Blog:

-respond to Kit's Wilderness using the following three prompts:

1. I Read...
2. I Think...
3. Therefore...

-you may write about a character; a particular relationship between characters; a particular scene; or an event that has happened so far in the story.

*note- this is an example of what you are supposted to do. Please do not copy this example; it is only a guideline.

I Read... When I was reading chapter seven, I found out that Kit's Grandpa strongly believes in spirits and ghosts. His Grandpa dreams that he is chasing "Silky", who is a little ghost or spirit that Kit's Grandpa claims was haunting the pit mines where he worked years ago. Kit's Grandpa is eager to talk to Kit about Silky, and share a few stories about how Silky would cause trouble for the miners.

I Think... I think that Kit's Grandpa believes in ghosts because he is not ready to let go of his memories of his days working in the mines. I think that he wants to believe in ghosts because he feels sorry for all of the people who were not able to escape or receive a proper burial after the accident in the mines. I think that Kit's Grandpa is eager to share these stories with Kit because he hopes that Kit will keep his stories and memories alive by continuing to share them once he is gone.

Therefore... Kit's Grandpa is a character who cannot necessarily be trusted. If Kit's Grandpa tells another story in the novel, I will be cautious, and I will not necessarily believe him because I think that he is clinging to his emotions of his past life working in the mines.

Miss. Daize


  1. I Read Chapter 8. I read when and how Kit first got into the gang's game, and how he played the game of death. He wasn't chosen that day, and he made it sound like he was afraid. He didn't say anything against it, but he joined in. Not much. I also didn't want to choose the Best chapter because someone else took it. :(

    I think that Kit isn't very strong on the emotional/choice making side. He doesn't retaliate when he joins the gang, he never mentions what is wrong, and he also never speaks the truth. He is only a dog, being controlled by his owner, John Askew.

    Therefore, Kit may get into some serious trouble. On the preview page after the intro to the game of death, it talks about Kit walking happily despite the trouble he got into, whatever it was. This foreshadows that Kit will do something perhaps considered disastrous and end up ruining his life. It's either that, or he's going to be controlled and there will be no justice in this game of death. He is far too easily controlled.

    This is Earl, over and out. (Laugh out loud)

  2. I think that kit's grandpa doesn't want to let go of the days when he was younger . therefor he believe's that if he tell's kit about the things he's went though that kit will keep telling the story to his children and it will get passed down the family line. Who knowns maybe kit's grandpa is doing it because he's lonely or maybe he feels bad for the people who did get out or a porper burial . However i do believe that this story will get more and more interesting as we read on :P

  3. I read when i was reading chapter 2 I found out that Kit and John were friend. There almost friend b/c there alike b/c there anchestors both died in the mines and there own names are both on the tombstone. Another reason there friends because he found Kit at the end of the wilderness and Kit is now one of them.

  4. ok!!!!! for the book we have been reading i am starting to think it is not such a good book it dosent make much sence to me but other ppl probley think oppiset to what i am thinking a feeling about the book

  5. I Read; I read that kit is a loner at first.
    john askew starts to talk to him to make friends with him, kit learns that Askew has a game called death. They go to the den and play Askew's game. The den small and dark with dirt floors its weird because its in the ground and it has candles for lights.

    I Think; I think its a pointless game becasue all they do is pretend that they die for nothing and doesnt seem fun at all. I think the den is creepy because its in the ground. It's pointless game in my opinion becasue that its just a game where you pretend to be dead, it's not real.

    Therefore; I wouldnt hangout with these people if all they did was go and play the pointless game, it doesnt seem like theres a point to the game and that they just do it for the fun even though it doesnt seem that fun.

  6. I think .. that kit's grandpa strongly believes in ghost and spirits because of what happend to him many years ago in the mine's . I think he believes that he keeps dreaming about it because " silky " doesnt want him to forget about him
    and he still wants to play his little game that he is playing .

    Therefore .. Kit's grandpa believe's in ghost in spirits because of the things that ahve happend to him in the past with silky

  7. I think I think that John and Kit are friend b/c John found Kit at the end of the wilderness, and there anchestors both died during the mines and Kit is now one of them. Therefore I think John is a good character b/c he made Kit feel welcome to stoneygates and they both have alot of thing in common

  8. I read in chapter 1 it tells how Askew plays the game of death. " "Do you abandon life" said Askew."I abandon life" says the player that is going to die. "Do you truly wish to die" says says Askew. "I truly wish to die" say the player that is going to die." ". pg 7.

    I think that the game of death is a stupid game because who would wish to die ever. I would not want to play the game because I would not want to go down down into the pit that can cave in any time. I also think that Askew should go and find common sence because smoking is bad for you.

    Therefore Askew is a guy that lacks common sence and and going into a cave taht can cave in. A cave that can cave in sounds weird becasue it is like saying a mountian can mountian in.

