Monday, September 28, 2009

"On the Sidewalk Bleeding"

Explain why you like or dislike this story.


  1. I did not like this story because it kept lagging on and on and on. I got the point that he was dieing. The people that came added no point to the story, expect his girlfriend who cared that he was dieing yet no one else did. The old lady just made the story longer.

  2. I didnt like the book on the sidewalk bleeding because when we were reading the book it made me dose off and i couldnt concentrate when mrs watson was reading because it was that boring.

  3. Do I like or dislike the story, "On the sidewalk bleeding" you ask? I will first tell you what I like about the it.
    I like this story in areas because of the setting. It is dark and sets the mood, and I love rain. More serious stories peque my interest more than other stories, too.This story has meaning, making it more respectable.
    What I don't like about this story is it's cast. They are all random characters, excluding Andy and Laura. Also, I dislike it's sudden end. If it were a novel, it'd be a detective book, maybe, and I think it could have easily carried on. Nonetheless, it is a good story.

  4. so i am to say what i think about the story well it was good and all but their could have been more action

  5. I like this story because it has alot of details, and the writer gives the readers enough detail for them to get an image in their head of whats happening and what it might look like, esc.

  6. I like this story because it was the truth what poeple think about gang violnece, and how people treat other and how they think about one anther. It show how people are so easy to judge people ,and how most poeple wont help someone when they are down and in need.

  7. ok i need to have at least 200 words in this coment and i so far got 17 but ya here we go For on the side walk bleeding for most of the story the main charater was laying in the ally way. there could have been more to the story like more fighting because when someone is just laying there its not intertaning. so ya you get my point. and to be honnest i almost fell asleep

  8. Some of you are writing that not much happened in the story, but isn't the story about what happens to people who think they are cool or tough because they belong to gangs.

    I think the story shows that their are consequences to your actions and that no one will care if you die as a gang member because people think you are bad and a problem in society.

  9. I'd have to agree with Mrs. Watson. People do not seem to pay more attention to the morale than the events and how he was dying. If you died slowly, then this is what would happen. You would get the point you were dying, and you would die very slowly, not quickly. For someone to die so slowly is just like this. This is a very close representation of slow (and Painful) death in terms of reality.

  10. i though that this book was amazing i enjoyed it alot because i felt like i was actualy in the story there with her watching him die , lieing on the side walk in the rain bleeding to death . There was nothing i could do , and i really dont like that it was a very short story i wish they would have expanded the story into more detail about it because i think i would have enjoyed it even more .

