Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Opinion/Argument Blog

Your Task for this Blog:

-respond to Kit's Wilderness using the following three prompts:

1. I Read...
2. I Think...
3. Therefore...

-you may write about a character; a particular relationship between characters; a particular scene; or an event that has happened so far in the story.

*note- this is an example of what you are supposted to do. Please do not copy this example; it is only a guideline.

I Read... When I was reading chapter seven, I found out that Kit's Grandpa strongly believes in spirits and ghosts. His Grandpa dreams that he is chasing "Silky", who is a little ghost or spirit that Kit's Grandpa claims was haunting the pit mines where he worked years ago. Kit's Grandpa is eager to talk to Kit about Silky, and share a few stories about how Silky would cause trouble for the miners.

I Think... I think that Kit's Grandpa believes in ghosts because he is not ready to let go of his memories of his days working in the mines. I think that he wants to believe in ghosts because he feels sorry for all of the people who were not able to escape or receive a proper burial after the accident in the mines. I think that Kit's Grandpa is eager to share these stories with Kit because he hopes that Kit will keep his stories and memories alive by continuing to share them once he is gone.

Therefore... Kit's Grandpa is a character who cannot necessarily be trusted. If Kit's Grandpa tells another story in the novel, I will be cautious, and I will not necessarily believe him because I think that he is clinging to his emotions of his past life working in the mines.

Miss. Daize

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Green Grass, Running Water"

In the first paragraph, retell the situation that Lionel finds himself in. Do you think his situation is funny?

In the second paragraph, relate to his situation, and explain a time when you found yourself in a similar situation.

In the third paragraph, reflect on the consequences of Lionel's actions, and explain whether or not you believe he got what he deserved.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

PEOPLE presents "The Person of the Year Award"

As a writer for the popular magazine People, you have been given the task of awarding one person the title of "Person of the Year." You may nominate anyone who you feel is worthy of the prestigious award (family, friend, celebrity, athlete). You are required to justify your nomination in a blog entry. The blog entry should include a physical description of the candidate as well as a description of the nominee's personality traits, values, and interests and hobbies.
